Monday, February 19, 2018

Nothing says "old", like knee replacement !

Hello to my loyal blog readers.
I'm going to pretend you've all been patiently waiting to hear from me after my lengthy hiatus......gosh it's been years...and there you are,waiting I'm sure, with baited breath!

My Saudi Saga's from when we last "spoke" actually lasted 4 years,followed by retirement and repatriation 2 years ago,and we are now firmly entrenched in beautiful Bellingham  you and I have lots of catching up to do!
But first.....the most pressing adventure on my personal horizon.....knee replacement surgery!

Let me backtrack to Saudi 5 years ago.....
The younger,thinner "me", was doing what many expat wives do when their husbands are away working.....I was frequenting the gym.
In my case, doing a cracking pace of 6mph on the treadmill,an excrutiating pain in my right knee followed by a less than elegant exit from that same treadmill revealed major meniscus damage, subsequently followed by some less than enjoyable knee reconstruction!

Fast forward 5 years to 2018, and that same knee has decided to retire completely and a new and improved version is required.
So here I sit,having limped around for some months,and surgery is just 2 days away.
(Now nothing says "old", like your house being newly adorned by a walker,a walking stick AND a specially raised commode in the bathroom, complete with support handles !)

So to you loyal readers,with my thanks again for patiently waiting for my long overdue return, though this may not be in the same league as many of my previous adventures,it's sure to be just as stay tuned.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Great Achievement Mima !!!

My first visit to Saudi almost a year ago was highlighted by a somewhat disastrous visit to a bathroom facility that did not resemble anything I was familiar with.
Well,I'm here to announce that great progress has been made in that much so Dave felt it was worth documenting.
You'll just have to take my word for what went on inside the walls of the pictured WC,but no longer am I intimidated by combining extreme heat,a long black abaya,a floor level "facility" and of course NO toilet paper,when it comes to answering an urgent call from nature.
I came out victorious, with a smile on my face ....and dry sandals !!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

A cake afterall!

In the absence of the pics eluded to in the previous post that are too big to download apparently, will share the cake and candles that did materialize afterall.
Happy Birthday to my precious Dave...what a wild ride this crazy life you've given me has turned out to be.

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Birthday Boy !

Yes,it's Dave's Birthday today and rather than just post the Birthday dinner,cake and candles, I thought I'd give you a glimpse into his life.
Dave and his "castle".
Dave's daily Birthday gift....having his car washed (not by me of course).
Dave and his new clubs and practice net.
........aaaaagh.....the internet seems to want to keep Dave's "big day" a secret,so no'll just have to use your imagination.
Maybe tomorrow when demand is down I'll try again.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Dilemma!

On arriving in hot and steamy Bahrain a few nights ago,the vehicle we had requested for transport across the causeway to Saudi Arabia was not available....thus the dilemma!

How to fit 4 HUGE suitcases,1 SUPERHUGE golf bag,complete with everything a man could need in the pursuit of becoming a champion golfer.....don't get me started!!! !!!!
Plus....2 maximum sized carry-on bags,a computer bag...and don't forget my travelling bag, with a sizeable quantity of newly purchased Cadbury chocolate from London.....oh yes,and 2 exhausted,less than happy passengers.....and the a less than adequately sized vehicle!
Well,they say a picture says it all.....except I look calm and happy.....don't be fooled !!!

Believe it or not it worked, after much consultation between the driver,airport staff,us, and interested onlookers.
At one point the vehicle was moved into the exit lane of the airport so all doors could be opened....simultaneously,to assess the various logistic possibilities,blocking passing traffic.
Fortunately I was too tired to be embarrassed,despite having an area of about 6 inches to sit.....and just munched on my chocolates and checked my email, as the mayhem played out around me
....and who said this expat life is easy ? !.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Now that's a 1st !!!

Having been back in Saudi just a couple of days, I was priding myself with how well I was able to slip back into my desert dwelling existence.
That being said,I acknowledged I needed to be eased gently off my daily Starbucks "fix".
As I've mentioned in an earlier post,the "pride of Seattle" does exist over here in the Kingdom,but locations are limited.
I was prepared to travel some distance for the soothing comfort of the familiarity and consistency offered by this worldwide establishment (well, except for the segregated entrance thing....again.... see earlier post) to satisfy my craving....but it was only when I decided to visit the ladies room that I discovered,try as they may,all Starbucks are not created equal.
As I prepared to utilize the "facilities".....which is never easy in a floor length abaya....I was aware of an intense heat eminating from the said commode.
No...the plumbing had not been installed improperly......this is what happens when the outside temperature excedes well over 100 degrees and the external plumbing is exposed to mother nature's furnace all that's a 1st !!!!!
But wait...... this idea has potential Mr Starbucks.... for added customer satisfaction on those cold winter months, in countries that actually have winter......a hot coffee and a warm bum extra charge !!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Summer break is over when........'re not snuggling with your grandkids of a morning as they wait for their papa to make his world renowned pancakes.'re not sitting on your porch swing till 10 at night watching the sun go down......with a glass of something in your hand you won't find in Saudi!!!
...... you're not sitting on the deck eating newly caught crab from Bellingham Bay with neighbors you miss.'re not riding your bike at Whistler and being confronted by a bear!!!'re not spending hours at the NW Washington Fair with the 3 little ones you love so much it hurts.'re not riding the zipline at Whistler, British Columbia,or eating biscuits at Cracker Barrel in Knoxville (editor's note.....Dave did the zipline I did the biscuits!)
..........................................oh enough already....I'm depressing myself !

I'm so grateful for the blessing of summer memories, but excited for what lies ahead, in the months ahead, in this land of sand,heat and camels......yes,we're back.....good bye summer, see you next year!!!!