Monday, February 19, 2018

Nothing says "old", like knee replacement !

Hello to my loyal blog readers.
I'm going to pretend you've all been patiently waiting to hear from me after my lengthy hiatus......gosh it's been years...and there you are,waiting I'm sure, with baited breath!

My Saudi Saga's from when we last "spoke" actually lasted 4 years,followed by retirement and repatriation 2 years ago,and we are now firmly entrenched in beautiful Bellingham  you and I have lots of catching up to do!
But first.....the most pressing adventure on my personal horizon.....knee replacement surgery!

Let me backtrack to Saudi 5 years ago.....
The younger,thinner "me", was doing what many expat wives do when their husbands are away working.....I was frequenting the gym.
In my case, doing a cracking pace of 6mph on the treadmill,an excrutiating pain in my right knee followed by a less than elegant exit from that same treadmill revealed major meniscus damage, subsequently followed by some less than enjoyable knee reconstruction!

Fast forward 5 years to 2018, and that same knee has decided to retire completely and a new and improved version is required.
So here I sit,having limped around for some months,and surgery is just 2 days away.
(Now nothing says "old", like your house being newly adorned by a walker,a walking stick AND a specially raised commode in the bathroom, complete with support handles !)

So to you loyal readers,with my thanks again for patiently waiting for my long overdue return, though this may not be in the same league as many of my previous adventures,it's sure to be just as stay tuned.