Having been back in Saudi just a couple of days, I was priding myself with how well I was able to slip back into my desert dwelling existence.
That being said,I acknowledged I needed to be eased gently off my daily Starbucks "fix".
As I've mentioned in an earlier post,the "pride of Seattle" does exist over here in the Kingdom,but locations are limited.
I was prepared to travel some distance for the soothing comfort of the familiarity and consistency offered by this worldwide establishment (well, except for the segregated entrance thing....again.... see earlier post) to satisfy my craving....but it was only when I decided to visit the ladies room that I discovered,try as they may,all Starbucks are not created equal.
As I prepared to utilize the "facilities".....which is never easy in a floor length abaya....I was aware of an intense heat eminating from the said commode.
No...the plumbing had not been installed improperly......this is what happens when the outside temperature excedes well over 100 degrees and the external plumbing is exposed to mother nature's furnace all day....now that's a 1st !!!!!
But wait...... this idea has potential Mr Starbucks.... for added customer satisfaction on those cold winter months, in countries that actually have winter......a hot coffee and a warm bum bum......no extra charge !!
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