Sunday, January 30, 2011

Some things just don't seem right!!!

As I try to embrace the sights and sounds of living in Saudi,there are just some things I'm not ready for....and camelburgers is one of them!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Aussie Day in the Desert !

In the absence of Dave doing something newsworthy,I put him behind the camera to capture something of the terrific Aussie Day celebration we've just had.

Aussies from almost every State of Australia....doing what we do best....having fun....despite none of the usual lubricant!!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Proof of "Streams in the Desert"!

Having now moved from a slightly soggy guesthouse to our condo,Dave felt it appropriate to offer some comic relief before we changed residences.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mrs Noah

I am not in the habit of posting more than one blog a day,but who would have thought, just hours after my previous post, that the unrelenting rain would personally pursue me ? here I sit with a deluge dripping from the ceiling of my guesthouse !!!!
I wonder if Mrs Noah had to tolerate buckets in her bedroom????

If it doesn't rain...... it pours!!!!

Woke this morning to a rare phenomena.....heavy rain in the desert.
Washing this rain-deprived sandy country, of the dust that covers everything is welcomed,but add wet roads and water-filled pot holes to the already crazed mind-set of drivers here, and you have a disaster waiting to happen.
Might suggest Dave sleep at the office,as his fledgling Saudi driving skills are NOT finely tuned yet.....and I know for a fact he hasn't read the chapter on "wet and wild".

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sand toys ????

Just wanted to prove how much sand there is in this vast array of desert...and the enormity of the project Dave is here to help create.

No,these are NOT matchbox toys....but the real thing!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sand and Starbucks

Armed with a Starbucks,Dave ventured waaaay.... into the desert this morning to visit our company's new worksite.
Apparently sand and camels powerful 4-wheel-drive vehicles driven at break-neck speeds.
I was more than a little relieved that he was a passenger with a reasonably seasoned Aussie no less....come to think of it that may not have been a good combination!!
He set off with the camera, and strict instructions to get "a decent pic for the blog" stay tuned.

Having reached the 2 week mark since leaving Bellingham,becoming a desert dweller is working out pretty well.
I had the privilege of visiting LA yesterday....."Little America"...AKA...the 10 acre Aramco !!!!
Made lots of new friends (almost all with Texan accents),ate great food and shopped in an amazing commissary.
Wondering if it's too late for Dave to learn a little about oil so we could live there!!!
Actually have invitations for 3 more visits in the next 3 days....with maybe he can leave his application at the front gate as we present our passports.

......Lawrence of Arabia is texting me as we speak......I think he just remembered the camera !
Mmmmm....just sent me a pic of the local topography...sand,sand and more sand!!!!
Will wait for my technical assistant to get home to add that to this blog.

On a more somber note,as we sit here in the desert,our hearts break for the absolute devastation being inflicted on an area that was once our " home" in Northeastern Australia.
Many years were spent in that very part of Australia.
We pray for the safety and survival of everyone, as mother nature unleashes her fury.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Guinness and Security.

Up until this point in my life, our dog Guinness has been our only source of "armed and dangerous" security....those of you who knew our precious Guinny will be laughing right now!
Guinny's skills are now being utilized at a far more superior address..... Pearly Gate I find myself pondering the reality of my latest form of security.
Now,please don't mis-understand my gratitude for the high-walled,razor-wired,armed,multiple check point facilities at my compound gate.
That sense of being "home" when that final, well fortified gate roles open is comforting.....but my deeper sense of peace and well-being and comfort, goes way beyond what my front gate looks like.....and for that I say "thank you".

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Have Starbucks will travel.

Somewhat nostalgic to order my "single, grande, non fat, 3 sweet and low" latte from the Arabian gulf (AKA Persian Gulf) this morning.

Only difference was, my status as a Starbucks gold card holder meant nothing... what's that about ?? ... and it had to be consumed in the "family only" section of the restaurant... but this was a small price to pay for a taste of home (apologies to all those Woods Coffee fans from Bellingham).

I'm just curious what perks there are for those males lounging in the "men only" section??
Need to send Dave in on a research mission.

A trip to the market

The other saga that comes to mind was finding a plumbing supply store in a somewhat seedy part of town, to acquire the appropriate plug for my newly purchased hairdryer.

With a certain level of trepidation we park the car, knowing the GPS is in full view, yet deciding moving it would draw undue attention from numerous on-lookers. On our return,we discover that in Dave's haste to make sure the vehicle was securely "locked down", he's inadvertently hit the "windows down" button and all windows are open, freely accommodating any and all burglars... at this moment we are happy to remember the rather stringent punishment for robbery in this country!!!

Did I mention the smoke that poured from this same hairdryer, once plugged in with the newly acquired plug... another story for another day!

So there you have it... enough for just one week. Tomorrow is the weekend... I'm not sure what Dave has planned!! Thank you for your prayers... we need them!!

The gas gauge vs. the temperature gauge

Now, as you know, Dave is actually here to work, so to get to work he has already embraced the Saudi way of driving, which is basically... "may the best man win", or if you like,"dog eat dog"... you get my drift.

For a prayerful, polite culture, control of a large gas guzzling vehicle seems to be the perfect way to vent any pent-up emotions. I have decided the issue is, all drivers are male... thus an opportunity to flex those macho muscles. With basically a "no holds barred" attitude, the roads are treacherous... and what does Dave do?? Runs out of gas!!

Yes, as cars roar by him at literally 100 plus miles an hour, Dave is syphoning gas into his wimpy little Taurus... or whatever it is... but he lived to tell the tale, praise God.

In his defence, he said the gas gauge was on the opposite side to what he was used to, and it was the temperature gauge that he was monitoring!! ...mmmm!!

The saga begins

A week has passed since we left Bellingham and we are overdue with an update. God continues to take care of us, as we are like babies learning how to function all over again. Our transition is still in its infancy, but progress is being made, despite what I like to characterize as "Saudi Sagas".

Life in the compound proves to be pretty "soft" as we (Dave actually) swim, eat, get to know people... and eat some more. Until our condo is available, our residence is actually the "guesthouse", so what else is there to do but.... eat, swim and chat to people.

Most expats have been "back home" for Christmas, so it's a relief for me that slowly they are returning and I can work on getting to know the WHOLE compound. It's when we venture "outside" the sagass start...and so far they all seem to involve Dave!

Welcome to Saudi Arabia!

Dave and I in Saudi!